
Our 22.08 kWp photovoltaic installation has benefited from the Incentive Program linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector, within the framework of the Recovery Plan , Transformation and...
After a few months of hard work and thanks to the trust of our customers, it is a pleasure to announce the inauguration of our new facilities located in the Riu Clar Industrial Area in Tarragona - Spain. With an area of approx. 3000 square meters, we offer our clients modern storage and manufacturing areas...
The nutrients in the diets of man and animals are exposed to both physical and chemical factors and microbiological properties can vary and decrease its effectiveness. From the first moment in the development of a diet (I think), air, temperature, moisture and microbiological contaminants: Bacteria, fungi...
(excerpt from the original article published in the journal "Indicador de Economía" nº165 of November 2013) The world grows and is hungry, very hungry. The world population will increase by one billion people in the next 12 years and will reach 9,600 million in 2050. The availability of proteins is essential...