Technology in the farm


Innovating in the laboratory, Avitasa competes in the international market with major manufacturers of additives and premixes for animal feed.

Developing and patenting innovative techniques of microencapsulation and nanotechnology, we have ensured that our products are up to three times more effective than traditional competitors.

(excerpt from the original article published in the journal "Indicador de Economía" nº165 of November 2013)

The world grows and is hungry, very hungry. The world population will increase by one billion people in the next 12 years and will reach 9,600 million in 2050. The availability of proteins is essential to sustain this growth, but beef producers will have to reduce consumption of raw materials and costs if it is to supply the entire population. This objective has much to say research that can carry companies working in the food sector and animal health, as Avícola de Tarragona SA (Avitasa), which manufactures premixes and additives. Developing and patenting innovative techniques and microencapsulation nanotechnology, this small company has made its products are up to three times more effective than traditional competitors.

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